Families, communities (and dogs) are much happier in a nice, clean sanitized yard.
Thanks for your interest in Bombs Away, and taking the time to check us out. We’re super excited to meet—and provide an outstanding service—to each one of our new and yet-to-be customers.
At this time we’re servicing the South Bay Area/Silicon Valley. Our goal is to expand throughout the entire Bay Area, and beyond from there. Bombs Away is owner operated—so you can rest assured that you, your family and community will only receive the highest quality of services offered. Meet the founding team here.
That said, each of our customers will play an integral role in the shape and direction of this company. What we mean by this is that, although we have a road-map for the future, the needs and wants of our customers come first. Therefore, communication is so important for us to bring the best services, products and people to the marketplace. And we need your help. Our ultimate goal is to build a business that fulfills the needs and wants of its customers, not its shareholders. As we keep our customers top-of-mind, we want to involve all of you in the direction in which we go—and grow
Additionally, we will periodically email info about upcoming promotions and coupons for discounts on goods and services. Events in the community we may be sponsoring will be noted as well. We will send announcements of new features and products we’re launching. And, fun stories and valuable information concerning the health and safety of your pets and family will be commonplace.
Since we like to have fun, we will definitely launch a contest from time to time, too. You won’t want to miss out! Leave your email address towards the bottom of our homepage (where the dog with cascading bones is) to stay updated. Thanks for joining us on this journey!